Here Ye! Here Ye! Here Ye!
Working constantly to fulfill our goals of Patriotism, History, and Education, the Cahaba-Coosa Chapter of the Alabama Sons of the American Revolution tries to keep busy.
The Cahaba-Coosa Chapter provides you with two types of newsletters.
The Cahaba-Coosa eCrier - Our online-only version of the everything going on in our chapter. Seen below, this online version is designed to be updated frequently and be media rich. From this page, you will find links to other websites for more information, access to videos, downloadable documents, and lots and lots of pictures.
The Cahaba-Coosa Town Crier - This is downloadable and printable quarterly newsletter that will give you the highlights of the many activities and news of what has been going on in our chapter. If you would like a printed copy mailed to you, please contact our chapter secretary at (CLICK HERE to go down to the Town Crier Download / View links)
Cahaba-Coosa eCrier
(Most recent items are listed at the top of this page.)
January 2022
1/16 - To kick-off the new year, the Cahaba-Coosa's first regular chapter meeting was action packed with fellowship and a meal combined with a review of 2021 and discussions ranging from "Which Founding Father Are You?" to brainstorming and planning for 2022. We had our installation of our new Sergeant of Arms, Conrad Ponder, recognition of our Color Guard, awarding of a new supplemental application to Bill Daniel for his patriot ancestor James Martin, and much more.
1/22 - Vice President of the Alabama Society of the Sons of the American Revolution and President of the Chapter Michael Martin, presented an Eagle Scout recognition certificate to Carley Seabrooke at the Boy Scout meeting at Helena United Methodist Church. Carley was the first female Eagle Scout in Shelby and is pictured with her brother Conner.
1/29 - The Oak Mountain Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution performed a grave marker for American Revolution soldier, Moses Johnson, in Wilsonville, Alabama. The Cahaba-Coosa chapter joined forces and facilitated the assistance of the Alabama State SAR Colorguard to post colors along with the State Honor Guard to perform a 21-gun salute of this American Patriot.
December 2021
12/12 - The Cahaba-Coosa Chapter held its annual Christmas Banquet where awards were presented to several members and new officers where installed.
12/18 - Cahaba-Coosa worked with the Support Committee for the Alabama National Cemetery, Blue Star Salute and other organizations to place over 8,000 wreaths on veteran's graves in Montevallo. Additionally, Cahaba-Coosa Chapter was a Bronze Level Corporate Sponsor for the event.
November 2021
11/1 - Continuing Cahaba-Coosa Chapter's observance of National First Responders' Day, commendations were given Police Chief Pat Cheatwood and Fire Chief Michael Read to recognize all fire, rescue, and police for their outstanding work responding to over 280 calls in response to area flooding.
11/4 - Joining with local community leaders and the Alabama State Society SAR's Color and Honor Guards, everyone joined in the celebration, dedication, and ribbon cutting for the new "west wing" of the American Village's new Independence Hall.
11/5 - Cahaba-Coosa's Vice President, Michael Martin, started a American Revolution Day for Montevallo High School first year US History students. The day was spent on the school's band practice field where student got to see a Revolutionary War period camp, dress in period clothing, perform Von Steuben drills, and even see a chicken roasted on a period brazier.
11/5 - The American Village held a Summit on Patriotism and members of Cahaba-Coosa along with the Alabama State SAR Colorguard were there to help with the event.
11/9 - Cahaba-Coosa Chapter SAR acted as the liaison for the Support Committee for the Alabama National Cemetery with the Alabama Society SAR Colorguard in their Flag Ceremony event.
11/10 - Spain Park High School debuted their new Patriots Point as part of their Veterans Day commemoration with the help of our chapter and the state colorguard.
11/10 - Working with Montevallo High School and the Blue Star Salute Foundation, helped with the school's Veterans Day program and worked with student organizations at the school to raise $820 for Wreaths Across America.
11/10 - Members joined in with the First Pennsylvannia reenactment group to post colors, while others represented the Sons of the American Revolution, for the National Veterans Day Banquet.
11/11 - Rain or shine won't stop the Cahaba-Coosa and Alabama State SAR colorguard for showing their appreciation to our Veterans as the joined in the Birmingham National Veterans Day Parade.
11/12 - Several members traveled to Fayette, Alabama to join the Alabama State SAR Colorguard with the opening ceremonies for the Americanism Rally.
October 2021
10/16 - Cahaba-Coosa colorguard and others participated in the Alabama Society SAR Board of Managers meeting at the American Village.
10/23 - Multiple members joined forces with the Alabama SAR State Colorguard to help out the General John A. Elmore Chapter with the grave marking of patriot Walter Ross in Deatsville, Alabama.
10/25 - The Cahaba-Coosa Chapter presented commendations to University of Montevallo Police Officer Jason Thrash, City of Montevallo Police Investigator Dustin Gray and Officer T.J.Wolfe, City of Montevallo Fire Shannon Blackburn and EMS Reggie Darden to kick off National First Responders' Day (October 28)
10/30 - Five patriots buried in one Alabama cemetery is a very rare occurrence. However, several members joined others with the Alabama SAR State Colorguard at Greenwood Cemetery in Tuscaloosa to help out the Daughters of the American Revolution with their grave markings of patriots Robert Cunningham (NC), Richard Inge (VA), Rueben Jones (SC), Richardson Owen (NC).
September 2021
9/11 - Local leaders of the Enterprise, Alabama community gathered at the Johnny Henderson Park in remembrance of those killed on September 11th, as well as those 12 servicemen who were recently killed in Afghanistan. The event, coordinated by the Wiregrass Chapter of the Alabama Sons of the American Revolution (SAR). The ceremony featured a display of 2,977 flags for those who died in the 9/11 attacks, placed by the local ROTC, Scouts, and volunteers, as well as speakers from local leaders, posting of the colors by the Alabama State SAR Colorguard, and a firing of muskets and cannons by the Alabama State SAR Honor Guard and a local reenactment group.
August 2021
8/13 - On August 13th, the Daughters of the American Revolution, along with the Alabama Society Sons of the American Revolution colorguard, came together to dedicate the Revolutionary War Soldiers Patriot Marker at the American Village, outside the National Veterans Shrine. To quote DAR State Regent Patrice Donnelly, “this marker is in honor of the men and women who achieved American independence. These Patriots, believing in the noble cause of liberty, fought valiantly to found our new nation!”
8/28 - The Alabama Society Sons of American Revolution joins forces with the US Navy, Veterans of Foreign Wars, the Department of Veterans Affairs, and the Blue Star Salute Foundation to bring World War II hero, Ralph Battles, home to Boaz, Alabama with full military honors.
July 2021
7/3 - Celebrating "our country's birthday", the 4th of July has a special significance to the Sons of the American Revolution. Some of our members joined others throughout the state along with the Daughters of the American Revolution to participate in the Independence Day Parade in Prattville, Alabama.
7/5 - The 4th of July would not be complete without supporting the American Village in some capacity. The Village was not able to celebrate the 4th in its usual grand fashion this year due to the COVID pandemic restrictions BUT we were able to assist by supporting the 1st Pennsylvania Reenactment unit for the Village's "Red, White, and Blue Days" by doing demonstrations and live fire demonstrations.
7/7 - Education is one of the foundational elements of the Sons of the American Revolution. Lessons were taught with a demonstration of clothing, firearms, food, and a musket fire to allow students of the University of Montevallo's Upward Bound program to see, hear, smell, taste, and feel history.
7/15 - The Cahaba-Coosa Chapter placed 3rd Place nationally in the Vance Award for SAR chapter websites at the SAR National Congress.
June 2021
6/1 - Assistance given to Montevallo National Cemetery to remove 6,000+ flags from gravesites that had been placed to honor veterans for Memorial Day. This help was essential given inclement weather that required each flag to be retrieved, individually wiped down, laid out to dry, and then bundled for later use. See flag picture in this section.
6/3 - Curtis Posey, Jr. presented a flag certificate was presented to David Eagleton, current Worshipful Master of the Shades Valley Masonic Lodge (#829) in Homewood, Alabama. Curtis is also pictured with his one of only 100 masonic aprons that are given to masonic Past Master who have also be past SAR state presidents.
6/5 - Compatriot Carl Quinton Black's life was celebrated with grave marking ceremony in Curry, Alabama. This presentation was also the debut of the Alabama Society of Sons of the American Revolution's new state honor guard. Click on the video in this section to see event or on the links below to see the reports in the local newspapers.
6/13 - The Cahaba-Coosa Chapter was proud to bring a little "normalcy" to the havoc of the COVID pandemic by having
May 2021
5/8 - The Alabama Society of the Sons of the American Revolution (ALSSAR) held another round of blackpowder training for members at the Brierfield Ironworks Historical State Park. Check out the promotional video that was created about this training by going to our YouTube Channel, by CLICKING THIS LINK, or by clicking on the video attached to this section. Also, there are some pictures from the event in the May slide carousel.
5/15 - The Alabama SAR met at the American Village for its quarterly Board of Manager (BOM) meeting. At this meeting up dates were given by all chapters throughout the state and officers for the Ladies Auxiliary were installed.
5/16 - Lt. Colonel, Gary Owen Green was the guest speaker for the Cahaba-Coosa's monthly meeting. His topic was the SAR Patriot Research System. To see this presentation CLICK HERE.
5/22 - Training in never ending with the Alabama SAR Honor Guard because practice is always needed. Members came from throughout the state to Commander Brady's home to hone their skills.
5/29 - The SAR joined others with the National Cemetery Support Committee to plant over 6,000 flags to honor our Veterans in Montevallo for Memorial Day.
5/30 - SAR members joined the Prattville Poppy Project to honor veterans as ceramic poppies were planted as a symbol of remembrance.
5/31 - Cahaba-Coosa SAR member who were members of the 1st Pennsylvania Reenactment unit helped support the American Village in Montevallo with their Memorial Day Celebration. To see a field demonstration performed CLICK THIS LINK or go to our YouTube channel at
April 2021
4/10 - The Cahaba-Coosa Color Guard joined several other state compatriots at the American Village to help create a "posting of the colors" series of videos to be made available to the Alabama State Society and chapters throughout the state.
4/18 - Our guest speaker for this month's meeting was our own Scott Martin who spoke about "The Role of the Scottish in the American Revolution". Watch the presentation by clicking here.
March 2021
3/9 - Presentation of Alabama Society Sons of the American Revolution 2nd Place State Eagle Scout Award to Michael Alexander Karmondi. Watch full video here.
3/13 - Some of Color Guard members are using their love for Revolutionary War history and attended an organizational meeting to go join up with the 1st Pennsylvania Regiment reenactment unit based out of the American Village.
3/13 - We had several attend the National Color Guard Zoom event of the commemoration of The Battle of Guilford Court House.
3/21 - Special guest speaker, author , and Director of Historic Blakeley State Park, Mike Bunn presented at our regular meeting via Zoom about his new book, Fourteenth Colony: The Forgotten Story of the Gulf South During America’s Revolutionary Era. Check out his presentation on our YouTube Channel by clicking here.
3/27 - Several members of the Cahaba-Coosa Color Guard joined up with the State SAR Color Guard to support the Josiah Brunson Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution with the Grave Marker Rededication of patriot Thomas Jones, Jr. in Springville, Alabama.
February 2021
2/13 - The Alabama Sons of the American Revolution assisted the American Village to help with the a special filming project (Sorry... Can't tell much more than that for now. Don't want to give away any spoilers.
2/20 - The Annual Alabama State SAR Convention and Southern District Meeting was held at the American Village and members participated both on site and virtually. Awards were given for a variety of youth programs (Posters, Brochures, ROTC, Eagle Scouts, etc...) of which many of our members helped with judging. Additionally, our very own Bill Daniel was named State Vice President. Click here to see the posting of the colors.
2/20 - Our chapter attended the commemoration of the Crossing of the Dan.
2/21 - Special THANKS to Bruce Kilgore for his wonderful Chapter Meeting topic on Americanism. This was a great run down of the plethora of things that SAR does.
2/27 - At the Battle of Moore's Creek virtual event, Cahaba-Coosa was the sole Alabama chapter in attendance with over 250+ participants. We also had the honor to present a virtual wreath and extend welcomes.
2/28 - Members attended the Mecklenburg Chapter's virtual presentation on Sons of the American Revolution genealogy research and applications.
January 2021
1 / 3 - Our chapter participated in the virtual commemoration of the Battle of Princeton Commemoration - Wreath Laying at Mercer Oak via Zoom. There were 200+ participants from all over the country and our chapter was the only representative from Alabama.
1/9 - The Alabama Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) performed live fire musket training at the Brierfield Ironworks Historical State Park. This training was an essential first step to the development of a Honor Guard for the state and in preparation for a movie production filming at the American Village in February.
1/17 - The Cahaba-Coosa Chapter held its monthly meeting via Zoom. This month we were happy to have Lynn Schlick with the Birmingham Family History Center to discuss genealogy and a variety of online resources. To see the presentation, check out the recording on our YouTube channel HERE.
1/30 - This year marked the 240th Anniversary of the Battle of Cowan's Ford. This virtual event was another fine example of how we can come together from all over to celebrate the patriots who gave their all in the founding of our country.
Cahaba-Coosa Town Crier
Quarterly Printable Newsletter
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