History and Patriotism
The promotion of history and patriotism are foundational elements and goals of the Sons of the American Revolution (SAR). As such, these tenants touch all aspects of our activities. One of the most outward and visual elements of this can be seen through our Color Guard, which is composed of members of our organization who dress as continental soldiers, militiamen, and clergy from the Revolutionary War period. In addition to speaking at educational events, our Color Guard participate in compatriot and patriot grave markings and a variety of commemorative events, such as battles and such holidays as...
Washington's Birthday
(February 22nd or alternate observation with President's Day)
Patriots Day
(April 19th to commemorate the Battles of Lexington, Concord, and Menotomy)
Memorial Day Program
(Last Monday of May)
Flag Day
(June 14th)
Fourth of July
(July 4th)
Constitution Week
(The Week of the signing of the U.S. Constitution on September 17th)
Yorktown Day
(October 19th)
Veterans Day
(November 11th)
Wreaths Across America
(Usually around the 3rd Saturday of December. For 2021 it is 12/18)
Working hand-in-hand with our goals to preserve history and promote patriotism are such committees as the Americanism Committee, the Veterans Committee, the Veterans Recognition Committee and also our organizational liaisons with such organizations as the Alabama Cemetery Preservation Alliance, The American Village, Blue Star Salute Foundation, Children of the American Revolution, Alabama Society DAR, National Veterans Day, and the NSSAR Museum.